What is it about firemen that turn usually level-headed, mature women in to giggly school girls?? Is the the big red shiny truck? The uniforms? The whole 'hero" thing?
I don't know, but today we were graced with their brawny presence, and even the 50-year-old female doctors became flirty school girls.
It all started with a hysterical 17-year-old girl at Triage. I didn't get the full story but somehow she got an incredibly small ring stuck on her finger, which was rapidly beginning to take on the colour and dimensions of a tomato.
The nurses in Treatment attempted to locate our ring-cutter but to no avail. It seems like the sneaky little gnomes in OR like to steel our cutters and not give them back. When our charge nurse called to get them back they refused to give them up. As the girl was in increasing amounts on agony, time was of the essence. After trying to locate another set which was another exercise in futility, the only other option was to contact the fire department. After calling the non-emergency line and no one picking up. The charge nurse was forced to call 911, which was pretty funny listening to her explain our situation to the operator.
About ten minutes later three of the best-looking firemen I have ever seen strolled through the door. I'm sure they must all have been featured in last year's calendar! One of them was clutching the jaws-of-life and revving it full blast saying "so ladies, where's the finger??" with a big grin on his face.
Luckily the hysterical 17-year-old was in a room, or I'm sure she would have passed-out upon seeing the contraption. For those of you who may not be aware; the jaws-of-life are used to extract people from vehicles, not cutting off tiny rings.
Five minutes later they swagger back out, having cut off two rings, the girls, and some other gentleman who just happened to need his ring cut off as well. As they stepped out the brawniest of them turned around and joked " looks like you got two for the price of one, ladies. We'd be happy to help any time, you know where to find us" Seriously, I'm not kidding that's exactly what he said.
Then our attending blushed and giggled like a 13-year-old.
And that my friends is the story of the firemen, the ring cutter; and how you get female ER staff to swoon.