Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Identify Yourself.

Just a quick note:

This is a plea from the bottom of my (tiny, wizened) heart, that goes out to every person across the wide planet:

Please please please, carry a piece of ID on you AT ALL TIMES.

At the very least, anything that has your name and birthday on it. I don't care if it is a crumpled sticky-note you cram into your wallet behind your Cosco card, if need be!

Your name and birthday/photo are the way that we identify you in the ER, confirm your demographics/ contacts and pull up past charts ( if you have been here before). This is important if you have underlying medical conditions or allergies we need to know about before treating you.

Now, this is all fine and dandy in a pinch,if you are able to converse with us and let us know...but what if (heaven forbid) you have been hit by a car, and are unconscious....how are we going to know who you are?? I can tell you it is pretty stressful trying to treat someone, and not knowing their medical history or an emergency contact. Wouldn't you want your family to know if you were in an accident?

Also, if you are Canadian, please carry your Care Card around with you as well as photo ID, easy right? Just shove it in the back of your wallet, and forget about it until you need it.

You would not believe the number of people who come walking into the Emergency with a finger laceration, requiring stitches...and no ID. They just expect us to take them at their word that they are who they say they are! They could walk in and say "I'm Tom Cruise" and I would have to take them at their word. Silly and annoying; not to mention time consuming, as we try and search through our databases trying to find you, and confirmation that you are who you say you are.

So, if you would like to endear yourself to Emergency Room workers everywhere, please for the love of all that is good in this world, carry some form of ID on you at all times.

Thank you for your time, and understanding.

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