Seeing as the gentleman featured in this post shuffled off this mortal coil yesterday evening; let us take a minute to observe the passing of a fellow soul. That being said....
How to be assured that when you die the ER staff will not talk about you for weeks to come:
1) Do not meet a strange man over the internet, and after a few weeks of casual emailing decide to meet up for sex.
2) Do not invite him over to your basement sex "dungeon", complete with a comprehensive array of sex paraphernalia.
3) Do not start the evening off by smoking a joint, proceed to drink an *unknown amount beer, ingesting ecstasy, and topped off by stuffing cocaine and ketamine in your rectum.
4) Do not stop breathing while you are tied up in full bondage gear in the middle sex.
5) Do not have your new found *friend* fail to preform CPR for 18min while awaiting EHS because he is freaking out. Also, do not have him forget to untie you from your bondage restraints, so you are brought into the ER still all trussed up.
6) Do not pass away from Cardiac Arrest, looking like the most peaceful and happy corpse we have seen in awhile.
~ Just a friendly public service announcement~
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