Dearest Nurses:
Please do not come and yell at me when you cannot find a patient's chart.
After assembling it, I put it in one of two places:
1) The triage desk
2) The acute chart bin
That's it. After placing it in one of these, I no longer have any contact with said chart.
That way it will save you time, because, you will not have to come back and apologize when you realize that the medical student was the one who walked off with it.
Dearest Medical Residents:
Please do not walk off with patients before they have been registered in the system, and then come down and yell at me, that you can't order tests because they are not in the computer. You only have yourself to blame.
It will also save me ( and my vocal chords) from continuously having to trek out to the wait room, and holler that patients name, in hopes of finding them to register.
ah the continuing battle against idiot medical residents...